An Ordinary Piece of Paper

Hi, my name is Will.

I’m an ordinary-looking piece of paper, but I just might be the most powerful piece of paper you’ll ever touch.  I can change your life and the lives of your descendants. 

Yes, my full name is Will & Testament. If you’re not yet familiar with me, I urge you to listen up. 

Life-after-your-death without WILL:

  • Without me, you are at risk of having a sizeable portion of your money and property go to the State at the time of your death instead of going to the people and organizations you care about.

  • Without me, you risk confusion or division among your relatives when you die. Without me, there is no clarity as to your wishes regarding your estate.

a piece of paper

Life after your death with WILL:

  • I give you peace of mind, such that you face death knowing “everything is taken care of”.

  • I ensure that your values live on beyond your own lifespan. You have chosen exactly how your money and property will be distributed, in accord with your desire.

  • I benefit the people and causes you care about. Wealth from your estate, no matter how large or small, boosts the recipients for generations to come.

Make a Will today. It’s easy, and you can update it any time if you change your mind.

Sr. Marilyn Lacey, RSM

Sr. Marilyn Lacey is the Founder and Executive Director of Mercy Beyond Borders.


What a grind!