Kervencia, Haiti, enrolled in 2018

Kervencia, an 18-year-old high school student, joined Mercy Beyond Borders' scholarship and leadership programs in Haiti in 2018. Despite the chaos engulfing the country, Kervencia remains steadfast in her studies.

Living in a modest neighborhood, their house is set back from the street, shaded by a mango tree. Kervencia's father, Kerney, rises before dawn to work in his garden. Facing threats from gangs, Kerney switched from planting large crops to herbs, which are easier to transport and maintain. Kervencia and her siblings also contribute by growing tomatoes and peppers in buckets, selling the produce to cover school expenses. Her parents, who never went beyond primary school, take great pride in her dedication and accomplishments.

Kervencia’s academic achievements are remarkable. She had the highest score for the 9th grade state exam and was recognized for her outstanding performance during the 2022/2023 academic year. She participated in a local radio show to present the significance of a national holiday, and serves as a youth group leader, organizing tutoring sessions and dance activities for younger children.

Kervencia dreams of studying social work or economics to contribute to her community's development. Her mother, Carole, expresses deep gratitude: "Words are not enough to thank you, MBB, for the good work you are doing in our community."

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Achol, South Sudan, enrolled in 2021