Vina, South Sudan, enrolled in 2015

Vina, from South Sudan, has been with Mercy Beyond Borders (MBB) for over nine years. Supported by MBB with a scholarship through nursing school, she gained invaluable skills and confidence. Beyond financial aid, Vina benefited from regular leadership workshops, case management support, counseling, and career guidance. Her determination, resilience, and thirst for knowledge have played a crucial role in her development into a strong and capable leader and healthcare provider.

Her journey has not been without hardship. During high school, rebels attacked her campus, tragically killing two of her classmates. Despite this traumatic experience, Vina's resolve to pursue her education remained unshaken. Then, just 6 days after giving birth to her only daughter, her father passed away.

Now a nurse at a rural clinic near her home village, Vina’s compassion and dedication shine through her work. She sees up to 100 patients per day, providing essential healthcare to her community. One of her most memorable moments was treating a six-month-old baby boy who was critically ill with severe malaria. She provided life-saving treatment and guided the mother on how to care for him at home. When the baby returned to the clinic a month later, healthy and smiling, Vina felt deeply rewarded, seeing the profound impact of her care.

Vina remains committed to her community, serving as the chairwoman of the St. Bakhita Girls Secondary School board. She advocates for girl child education and promotes parental and community involvement in the school's growth.

Vina is also an active mentor. Along with other MBB alumnae, she participates in leadership modules at St. Bakhita Secondary School, sharing her career experiences and providing career counseling to current MBB high school Scholars.

Vina’s journey from a scholarship recipient to a community leader and healthcare provider highlights the transformative power of education and support.

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Chimwemwe, Malawi, enrolled in 2021


Achol, South Sudan, enrolled in 2021